odoo website_15专家使用的Website Builder软件
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odoo website

Many freelancers, website builder, developers and companies ask the same question, “How can experts manage so many projects at the same time? What Website Builder Software and Tools they use?” There are always so many different ongoing projects and we have to choose the best website builder software and tools to achieve good productivity and save time.

许多自由职业者,网站建设者,开发人员和公司提出了相同的问题:“ 专家如何同时管理多个项目? 他们使用什么网站生成器软件和工具? ”总是有许多不同的正在进行的项目,我们必须选择最佳的网站构建器软件和工具,以实现良好的生产率并节省时间。

We’ve selected professional tools and services used by website builder experts world-wide for you, and we’re absolutely sure that you’ll find awesome things that suit your project needs. Try and enjoy them!

我们选择了全球网站建设专家为您使用的专业工具和服务,我们绝对确保您会找到适合您项目需求的出色工具。 尝试并享受它们

网站制作软件 (Website Builder Software)

is a professional online service that enables from your browser. No need to install any additional apps or annoying plugins such as Flash or Java Applets. Browserling runs browsers on their servers and streams desktops to your browser through Websockets and HTML5 canvas. You can start testing your websites in 5 seconds. Just go to , enter your website’s address, choose operating system, browser and you’re ready to go!

是一项专业的在线服务,可通过您的浏览器进行 。 无需安装任何其他应用程序或烦人的插件,例如Flash或Java Applets。 浏览器在其服务器上运行浏览器,并通过Websockets和HTML5 canvas将桌面流式传输到浏览器。 您可以在5秒钟内开始测试您的网站。 只需访问 ,输入您的网站地址,选择操作系统,浏览器,就可以开始了!

Browserling is much more than the classic screenshot-taking service as you can interact with your pages in real-time in pretty much any browser on any platform. You can use old legacy browsers, such as Internet Explorer 6, 7 and 8 on Windows XP and Vista, as well as modern browsers, and mobile browsers on Android Marshmallow and, coming soon, Mac OS, iOS and Linux. Of course, you can also save screenshots just like in classic screenshot services, plus you can annotate them with Bug Hunter. The testing process is completely secure because it uses SSL connections between you and virtual machines. After every testing session all browsers are wiped clean and cookies, history and local storage are erased.

浏览器比经典的截屏服务要多得多,因为您几乎可以在任何平台上的任何浏览器中与页面进行实时交互 。 您可以使用旧的旧版浏览器,例如Windows XP和Vista上的Internet Explorer 6、7和8,以及现代浏览器和Android Marshmallow上的移动浏览器,以及即将推出的Mac OS,iOS和Linux。 当然,您也可以像在传统的屏幕快照服务中一样保存屏幕截图,并且可以使用Bug Hunter对其进行注释。 测试过程是完全安全的,因为它使用您和虚拟机之间的SSL连接。 每次测试会话结束后,所有浏览器都会被清除,并且Cookie,历史记录和本地存储也将被清除。

Among Browserling’s 15,000 users, some of the most well-known customers are, NHS, UK’s National Health Service, Coderwall, Teespring, PubNub, and Iris Couch.

在Browserling的15,000个用户中,一些最知名的客户包括NHS,英国国家卫生服务局,Coderwall,Teespring,PubNub和Iris Couch。

and you’ll discover the most awesome web tool that you’ll use every day. We highly recommend it and it’s our #1 professional tool.

,您将发现每天都会使用的最强大的Web工具。 我们强烈推荐它,它是我们的#1专业工具。

Check out their . It’s super funny.

查看他们的 。 真好笑

Thanks to , you can get complete information about how people actually use your website, by watching their behaviour. It is an exceptional analytics platform that will give you the right tools to turn more visitors into customers. Why? Because it offers not just your typical user’s stats, but a lot of other great features!

感谢 ,您可以通过观察人们的行为来获得有关人们如何实际使用您网站的完整信息。 这是一个出色的分析平台,它将为您提供正确的工具,以将更多的访客转化为客户。 为什么? 因为它不仅提供典型用户的统计信息,而且还提供许多其他出色功能!

First, you get a realtime dashboard, which helps you see a list of all the visitors that are on your website, what they are doing (in real-time!) and how they found you. You can even ask a visitor to chat and co-browse with them, as you are provided with a chat box that stays on the page and follows visitor as they browse your site for a seamless experience. In addition, the chat brings other powerful features including multiple operators, canned responses, and auto invites. Another great option that will help the user to convert is the polling system, which gives you feedback from your customers, so that you can then make the right changes. The best part? You can get all of these for only $10/month.

首先,您将获得一个实时仪表板,该仪表板可帮助您查看网站上所有访问者的列表,他们在做什么(实时!)以及他们如何找到您。 您甚至可以要求访问者聊天并与他们共同浏览,因为您将获得一个聊天框,该聊天框保留在页面上,并在访问者浏览您的网站时跟踪访问者,以提供无缝的体验。 此外,聊天还带来了其他强大的功能,包括多个操作员,罐装回复和自动邀请。 可以帮助用户进行转换的另一个不错的选择是轮询系统,它可以向您提供来自客户的反馈,以便您可以进行正确的更改。 最好的部分? 您只需每月10美元即可获得所有这些功能。

Invoicely is, as the name says, the perfect solution for any web designer or freelancer who sends invoices to clients, being used by over 100,000 people. It is free, simple and secure and its basic features are completely free.

顾名思义发票是任何将发票发送给客户(超过100,000人使用的客户)的网页设计师或自由职业者的完美解决方案。 它是免费,简单和安全的,其基本功能是完全免费的。

One of the greatest features Invoicely gives you is the ability of creating advanced and good-looking estimates and invoices in a matter of seconds, with no effort, and to deliver them easily to your clients. As we live in a world where time became so precious, saving all those wasted minutes on paper invoices is a big plus! In addition, even if you are running on a free plan, Invoicely lets you send unlimited invoices for free, in any language or currency, and they can be customized to go along with the branding colors specific to your business. Regarding the payment, you can receive instant online invoice payment from anywhere in the world and it accepts various payment methods, from credit card payments to bank transfer. Besides these, you still have many more features to explore, reason why we invite you to ! 🙂

Invoicely提供给您的最大功能之一就是可以在几秒钟内毫不费力地创建高级且美观的估算和发票,并将其轻松交付给客户。 当我们生活在一个时间变得如此宝贵的世界中时,将所有这些浪费的分钟数保存在纸质发票上将是一大优势! 此外,即使您使用的是免费计划,Invoicely仍可让您以任何语言或货币免费发送无限制的发票,并且可以对其进行自定义以配合您企业的特定品牌颜色。 关于付款,您可以从世界任何地方接收即时在线发票付款,并且接受从信用卡付款到银行转帐的各种付款方式。 除了这些,您还有更多功能需要探索,这就是为什么我们邀请您 ! 🙂

What is InvoiceOcean and why you should start using it right now? InvoiceOcean is a simple app that allows you to pay your bills online. This software is using SSL code, which is also used in online banking, making sure you are getting safety standards as high as possible. All data is stored in the cloud so you can access it from anywhere on your smartphone, computer, tablet etc. InvoiceOcean offers four types of accounts with limited access to different functions, so you can choose the one is suitable for your company and interests. There is a toll-free plan which can create up to three invoices per month so you can see its functions and how everything is working without paying anything.

什么是InvoiceOcean ?为什么要立即开始使用它? InvoiceOcean是一个简单的应用程序,可让您在线支付账单。 该软件使用SSL代码,在线银行中也使用了SSL代码,以确保您获得尽可能高的安全标准。 所有数据都存储在云中,因此您可以从智能手机,计算机,平板电脑等任何位置访问它们。InvoiceOcean提供了四种类型的帐户,对不同功能的访问受限,因此您可以选择一种适合您的公司和利益的帐户。 有一项免费计划,每个月最多可以创建三张发票,因此您可以查看其功能以及一切工作方式而无需支付任何费用。

You might be wondering what is
Xfive and why you shouldn’t waste any more time and start using it. Xfive is a development partner located in Melbourne, Australia. It is the solution for all agencies looking to expand their capacity for front-end, back-end, WordPress, JavaScript and email development, design and sketch to HTML. If you need any help with your project, don’t hesitate and check it out!

您可能想知道什么是Xfive,以及为什么您不应该再浪费时间并开始使用它了。 Xfive是位于澳大利亚墨尔本的开发合作伙伴。 它是所有希望扩展其前端,后端,WordPress,JavaScript和电子邮件开发,设计和草绘为HTML的能力的代理机构的解决方案。 如果您的项目需要任何帮助,请不要犹豫并检查一下!

is a website builder mainly targeted towards small businesses. Though it may be considered a “rookie” in the website building market, it’s gaining top positions really fast and is considered one of the key players by many review services, including .

是一个主要针对小型企业的网站构建器。 尽管它可能被认为是网站建设市场中的“新秀”,但它确实获得了很高的排名,并且被许多评论服务(包括 )视为关键角色之一。

uKit has all the features to successfully present a business online. Professional templates with industry-specific themed images, galleries, and texts allow to create a ready-to-go website in minutes. No coding skills are required as content elements are arranged with the drag-and-drop tools. The integrated SEO and statistics options will help promote the website and track visitor statistics.

uKit具有成功完成在线业务的所有功能。 带有行业特定主题图像,画廊和文本的专业模板,可在数分钟内创建一个随时可用的网站。 由于使用拖放工具来安排内容元素,因此不需要编码技能。 集成的SEO和统计信息选项将有助于推广网站并跟踪访问者统计信息。

is a simple website builder, which was created with your convenience and ease of use in mind. The software makes it possible to design responsive mobile friendly websites without any coding skills. Whether you are a non-techie, who is not aware of all the challenges associated with website building or an experienced web designer looking for the best time-saving solution, Mobirise will cater to your needs and requirements.

是一个简单的网站生成器,其创建时于您的方便和易用性。 该软件使设计无需任何编码技能的响应式移动友好网站成为可能。 无论您是非技术人员,不了解与网站建设相关的所有挑战,还是经验丰富的网页设计师都在寻找最佳的省时解决方案,Mobirise都能满足您的需求。

The tool is great for creating small and medium business websites, landing pages, portfolio sites as well as promotional projects. With lots of popular features like a rich choice of pre-made website blocks, content slider, integrated mobile menu, easy-to-use contact forms, availability of a masonry image gallery, the choice of fonts etc., this software provides the best website building experience you could ever find on the web.

该工具非常适合创建中小型企业网站,登录页面,投资组合网站以及促销项目。 该软件具有许多受欢迎的功能,例如丰富的预制网站块,内容滑块,集成的移动菜单,易于使用的联系表,石工图片库的可用性,字体的选择等,可提供最佳的功能您可以在网上找到的网站建设经验。

We have good news for you. Now you don’t have to look anymore through tons of web design tools to find the one that suits you.
DealFuel does all the work for you, gathering the best designer deals right from the creators. From WordPress themes to online learning and tutorials to icons, badges and mockups, you can find anything you want on this great online platform. We also advice you to join their VIP DealClub membership, to get some exclusive deals and additional discounts upto 100%.!

我们为您带来好消息。 现在,您不必再看大量的Web设计工具就能找到适合您的工具。 DealFuel为您完成所有工作,从创作者那里收集最佳的设计师作品。 从WordPress主题到在线学习,再到教程,图标,徽章和模型,您可以在这个出色的在线平台上找到所需的任何内容。 我们也建议您加入他们的VIP DealClub会员资格,以获得一些独家交易和额外折扣,最高100%。

PhotoWhoa makes it easier for all the photographers to find great resources that will help them become more professional. They offer photography essentials such as premium video courses, e-books, actions & presets and live trainings at a heavily discount price.Check it out to advance your knowledge in the field of photography!

PhotoWhoa使所有摄影师都能更轻松地找到丰富的资源,这将帮助他们变得更加专业。 他们以非常优惠的价格提供摄影必需品,例如高级视频课程,电子书,动作和预设以及现场培训,请查看以提高您在摄影领域的知识!

At , you get free and premium WordPress themes that are SEO-optimized. Over 11 million websites use CyberChimps’ themes. You can easily customize a site or blog as it comes with drag and drop feature. All these themes look great on any device as they are 100 % responsive

在 ,您将获得经过SEO优化的免费和高级WordPress主题。 超过1100万个网站使用Cyber​​Chimps的主题。 您可以轻松自定义网站或博客,因为它具有拖放功能。 所有这些主题在任何设备上看起来都很棒,因为它们100%响应

The indisputable fastest logo design service online,
Logo123 offers logos in only an hour or less, and they create valuable work, so it won’t be an amateur’s job. Pay 5$ to order and $49 to receive the whole design files. You are guaranteed to have the best possible icon for your brand in no-time. It’s a guaranteed winning situation. Go for it!

在线上无可争议的最快的徽标设计服务, Logo123在一个小时或更短的时间内提供徽标,它们创造了宝贵的作品,因此这不会成为业余爱好者的工作。 支付5美元的订单费用和49美元的费用即可接收整个设计文件。 您一定会立即拥有适合自己品牌的最佳图标。 这是有保证的获胜情况。 去吧!

  1. LogoDesignContest.us


By using
LogoDesignContest.us, you can have more than one designer working on your brand’s visual identity, and receiving results in just a day or two. You can start a contest on a minimum $99 by just paying upfront only $29. After the contest is over, you can pay only for the one you like the most, and receive the complete design files.

通过使用LogoDesignContest.us ,您可以让多个设计师进行品牌的视觉识别,并在一两天内收到结果。 您只需支付29美元的预付款,即可以最低99美元的价格开始比赛。 比赛结束后,您只需支付最喜欢的那笔费用,即可获得完整的设计文件。

Have you ever heard about
COLORLIB? It is a team of experienced WordPress developers who strive to deliver the best possible WordPress and other web solution to work. It was created in 2013 by Aigars Silkalns and after he added more valuable and useful content, the website became very popular among bloggers and first-time web developers. You should try it!

您听说过COLORLIB吗? 这是一个由经验丰富的WordPress开发人员组成的团队,他们致力于提供最佳的WordPress和其他Web解决方案以供工作。 该网站由Aigars Silkalns于2013年创建,在他添加了更多有价值和有用的内容之后,该网站在博客作者和首次使用Web的开发人员中非常受欢迎。 你应该试试看!

is a professional WYSIWYG website builder, which can ensure the unsurpassed web design experience. By using the tool, you will be able to create different types of websites, which do not only look professionally, but are also functional and responsive. This is very important nowadays, when many people prefer to browse through websites using their mobile devices on the go.
With MotoCMS, you will not only be able to design websites using high quality templates, but you will also get a chance to customize it to your liking. Just learn how to manage the built-in admin panel of the website to make the changes and update the content any time you consider necessary.

是专业的“所见即所得”网站构建器,可以确保无与伦比的网页设计体验。 通过使用该工具,您将能够创建不同类型的网站,这些网站不仅外观专业,而且功能强大且响应Swift。 如今,当许多人喜欢在旅途中使用其移动设备浏览网站时,这一点非常重要。
使用MotoCMS,您不仅可以使用高质量的模板来设计网站,而且还可以根据自己的喜好自定义网站。 只要了解如何管理网站的内置管理面板即可进行更改并在需要时更新内容。

is the main reason why Google Forms hasn’t conquered the market. Why? Because Typeform targets humans, not users. Using a beautiful interface and an any-device environment, customers can create 360 degree feedback forms that grab people’s attention by focusing on the experience, not just the form. Now with feature-rich apps for iOS and Android, anyone can create typeforms on-the-go. Give it a try!

是Google Forms尚未征服市场的主要原因。 为什么? 因为Typeform是针对人类而不是用户。 使用精美的界面和任何设备的环境,客户可以创建360度反馈表单,这些表单可以通过关注体验而吸引人们的注意力,而不仅仅是表单。 现在有了适用于iOS和Android的功能丰富的应用程序,任何人都可以在旅途中创建打字稿。 试试看!

We suggest you to try every web tool and service presented in this showcase, as it will improve your work, projects and even your life. All these website builder software are developed by great teams and individuals that have the knowledge and passion to move things in the right direction. For those who own their own business, or who are considering , these resources can be quite valuable.

我们建议您尝试使用本展示中介绍的每种Web工具和服务,因为它将改善您的工作,项目甚至您的生活。 所有这些网站构建器软件都是由伟大的团队和个人开发的,这些团队和个人具有知识和激情,可以朝正确的方向发展。 对于那些拥有自己的业务或正在考虑 ,这些资源可能非常宝贵。


odoo website


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